Getting started Go API Use one of the standard implementations or create one yourself.
Semaphore exposes most of the internally used methods. This allows developers to create their own custom implementations. Please check out the go docs .
Bash main.go
Copy $ go get
Copy package main
import (
func main () {
protobuffers, err := protoc. Collect ([] string { "./" }, "./*" )
if err != nil {
// handle err
client, err := maestro. New (
maestro. WithListener (graphql. NewListener ( ":9090" , specs . Options {})),
maestro. WithListener (http. NewListener ( ":8080" , specs . Options {})),
maestro. WithDefinitions (hcl. DefinitionResolver ( "./*" )),
maestro. WithSchema (protobuffers),
maestro. WithCodec (json. NewConstructor ()),
maestro. WithCodec (proto. NewConstructor ()),
maestro. WithCaller (http. NewCaller ()),
if err != nil {
// handle err
err = client. Serve ()
if err != nil {
// handle err